Tufford Medical Aesthetics Business Logo

As of May 15th we will be operating out of Carrot Health Clinic. Located at 438 Iroquois Shore Rd, Oakville, ON L6H 0X7. (same parking lot as Smart Storage)

Facial Treatments

Get The Perfect Treatment For Your Needs

At Tufford Medical Aesthetics, we provide a wide range of skin treatments and devices that can help restore the quality of your complexion. Our advanced technology treats your skin from within, improving its texture, reducing blemishes and giving it a more youthful appearance. We strive to identify the best options for you based on the particular needs of your skin.

We offer various types of facial treatments such as The Perfect Peel, Oxygeneo Facial, Dermaplaning that are specifically designed for improving your overall skin health. With our medical-grade skincare products and experienced aesthetic team, you can confidently rest assured that you’ll achieve optimal results. Contact us today to get started!

Our Treatment Options

portrait close up of pretty girl with towel on wet hair and face mask on

The Perfect Peel

The Perfect Peel is the perfect pick for those looking to rejuvenate their skin! It's a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment that delivers incredible results – reducing fine lines and wrinkles, evening out hyperpigmentation, improving complexion and creating smoother skin.

Plus, it's painless and quick that gives you glowing skin in no time.

How It Works

The key anti-aging ingredient of this peel is Glutathione which helps with increasing elasticity and reducing wrinkles. After one 15-minute treatment, you may experience slight tingling or stinging but numbing occurs quickly after the peel solution is applied.

Results & Recovery

There will be up to 7-10 days of peeling after Day 3 of your treatment but after that process you'll have beautiful results with minimal downtime! We recommend repeating treatments every 2-4 times a year to maintain your stunning results.

OxyGeneo Facial

The OxyGeneo treatment is a revolutionary facial that offers immediate results and long-lasting rejuvenation. It oxygenates the skin from within while exfoliating and infusing high-quality active ingredients, giving you a brighter complexion with improved texture and suppleness after just one session.

How It Works

This treatment utilizes a single-use capsule called a “Capsugen” to exfoliate your skin, while releasing tiny CO₂ bubbles on the surface of the skin. This oxygenating process naturally increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the treated area and promotes optimal absorption of nourishing ingredients, including hyaluronic acid.

Results & Recovery

There’s no downtime or pain involved, so you can enjoy glowing, radiant skin without the hassle - perfect for busy lifestyles! Multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal results, but with no downtime and immediately visible improvement, you won't regret trying this incredible treatment.

black girl smiling in mirror touching face
lady shaving her upper lip


Dermaplaning is a great way to get your skin looking and feeling smooth, refreshed, and glowing! This facial treatment removes dead surface cells, peach fuzz and facial hairs - which can clog oils and dirt in the skin. It can also help reduce the appearance of pigmentation, rosacea, acne, scaring issues and fine lines and wrinkles. After the treatment, products like retinol, Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid will be more effective as they can penetrate deeper into your skin.

How It Works

Dermaplaning is a gentle exfoliation and hair removal process that can help you achieve smoother skin. Your aesthetic professional will use a sterile scalpel to carefully remove the top layer of dead skin cells, peach fuzz, and other facial hair. With their expert assistance, you can enjoy softer and more radiant-looking skin with minimal risk of scarring or thicker regrowth.

Results & Recovery

Dermaplaning is a safe and effective skin treatment for most skin types, with virtually no downtime after your appointment! However, if you have sensitive or reactive skin, you may experience some redness, irritation or inflammation. After your appointment, you should avoid makeup immediately afterward but you will love how smooth your skin feels after a couple of days


  • How often should I get a facial?

    Facial treatments at Tufford Medical Aesthetics are tailored to each patient's individual needs, so the frequency of visits depends on the treatment chosen. Generally, patients visit us every 4-6 weeks for maintenance and results. 

  • Who is a good candidate?

    A good candidate for an advanced facial is anyone looking to take care of their skin and get their glow back. We offer a variety of treatments, ranging from deep-cleansing to exfoliation and peels, so regardless of skin type or age, we can customize a facial experience just for you. 

  • What is the cost of each facial?

    The cost of each facial is dependent on the treatment chosen! Please visit our Pricing page for more detailed information about our services.

closeup of female having laser rejuvenating treatment

Enhance Your Natural Beauty With

Laser Treatments

Looking for a little pick-me-up? Tired of looking in the mirror and seeing the same old face staring back? If you're looking for a way to rejuvenate your appearance, then visit us at Tufford Medical Aesthetics. We offer a wide range of laser treatments that can help you achieve the look you've been longing for. Whether you're looking to get rid of unwanted hair, reduce the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines, or simply want to give your skin a healthy glow, we have a treatment that's right for you.

Learn More
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